Contact Lenses for Everyone
The Perfect Alternative to Glasses
Maximum comfort and clear vision – after a professional and individual fitting, contact lenses can offer just that.
Whether as an occasional alternative for sports or leisure, or as a permanent solution to avoid wearing glasses: We find the perfect contact lens for everyone. The basis for this is a detailed medical history and consultation. Together, we decide which material and type of lens is best for you. No case is too complicated for us.
Soft Contact Lenses
Ideal for occasional wear in the form of a daily lens, 14-day or monthly lens. Soft contact lenses have a short acclimation period and are available in many strengths and fitting parameters.
RGP Contact Lenses
Especially popular with long-term wearers is this form of contact lens. The easy-care, durable material can provide comfortable vision and maximum wearing comfort for a long time if handled correctly. And that even with high or special values.
Orthokeratology contact lens, or Ortho-K lens for short, is a contact lens that is worn at night. Specially adapted for you, it gently and non-permanently deforms the surface of the cornea so that no correction is needed during the day. Already after a few nights the effect is fully there and if the lens is not worn a few times, the cornea returns to its natural shape.
Special Contact Lenses
There are special cases that require a custom-made lens. For example, in the case of keratoconus, a scarred cornea or even as an iris contact lens – we perform a precise and detailed fitting and discuss together how we can best implement your requirements and wishes for the new lens.